Thursday, April 30, 2009

Food, Favorites, and Inspirational thoughts

Wow so the audience wants another podcast! I am glad people actually listen to them. I figured that it would be a GOOD IDEA to do another one. Hopefully people don't think that I am weird or some sort of FREAK.  Hopefully you like the pictures that I put with the podcast. I love podcasting!!!
Best wishes and just remember "tis the season to be Jolley".

Love Master Keaton


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  2. Keaton, I really want to hear this post, but at the rate my dial-up is loading, it'll take about 48 minutes to load... I guess it'll have to wait until I return to civilization. :(

  3. keaton, you've gone where no blog has ever gone before.

  4. ahh the video part was so creepy! i was expecting another slow zoom in of a pic, but then your eyes starting moving...

    you should also know that i officially crave a pickle right now. and i'm going to the store to buy one.

    ps. i can't wait till our double date this weekend. alex and i are going to take you guys out.

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